06 April 2007

It's the terror of knowing what this world is about.

Sweet freedom, how I have missed thee. That's apostrophe, kids. I've obviously been spending too much time at school. But a whole week of doing absolutely nothing looms up before us. And guess what! I might be going to Muse on Monday! And then the Matches on Friday! Yay vacation!

Title Source: "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie. If you don't know this song, you're not culturally literate. And probably have never turned on a radio.

“Why can’t that be the subject?”
“Because I command it so!”

Mrs. McCarty: “I mean, Godda– is this another infinitive?!”

“We’re all nunwhores at heart!”

“Yay pretentious sandwiches!”

“I was walking downtown near St. Anthony’s and I saw walking a rabbit on a leash.”

“Somebody special is obviously coming to the prayer service.”
“Maybe it’s Jesus.”

“It’s like, hey, I don’t know you, but drive my drunk girlfriend home.”

“Um… why?”
“Because Shawn Harris commands it!”

“Danny! Queen didn’t show up to the prayer service!”
“I know! Neither did Bowie! I was so disappointed.”

“rablblblbl you gots not school QQ.”
“Yep, I’m pretty much you in that sense.”

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