04 September 2008


And "FTW", girls and boys, stands for Fuck The World. First this morning I get people shooting me dirty looks for wearing my awesome hat which they probably thought was stupid. Next I came back from Italian to move my car and there's a fucking parking ticket on my windshield. Fifty bucks. So long 4 shows I would've gone to. All because I have the common sense of chicken soup and can't fucking remember to check when street cleaning is. Then just when I'm starting to stop being pissed off, I almost pass out in Karate. I'm sort of used to my vision being weird and seeing auras occasionally, but I should have worried when my mental commentary of "Straighten your vision" became "Don't vomit, don't vomit," and right before my vision blackened that became "Don't pass out." I have this lovely fucking tendency to embarrass myself in front of large groups of people. Bad enough I look ridiculous because my gi doesn't fit and can't handle how fucking hot it is in the gym.

I'm worried to leave the house, lest something else happened to me today. I really want to go see the Matches tonight though. It's Dylan's first show and I want to be there to distract him. My half-sister has a volleyball game I'm supposed to pick her up from, though. I don't want to.

Someone knock me out and don't wake me til 21.

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