03 February 2009

I've Got A Feeling

A bad one. Well, I'm not exactly sure if it's for Bad for certain. For a minute or three I thought that it was that feeling I get when I know I've forgotten something, but then I realised that I don't need a lot of stuff today. So now it's more a sense of foreboding, that something is going to happen today and I probably won't be pleased with it.

Unless the string of Bad Days has finally knocked my brain into or out of whacked and I've gone fully schizo. I'm probably going to be really jumpy and paranoid today, and in the end it'll probably be for nothing at all.

Did somebody die? Is someone sick? Has a plane crashed into something today? The not knowing is killing me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I've got a feeling like you don't even know" - sorry couldn't resist...

umm...its Adam Carson's birthday but I don't think that's it