12 June 2007

Sorry, folks, this ain't SKINEMAX!

Hola. I'm sitting in the nursery at church, posting because I have nothing better to do besides watch old episodes of TAI TV on youtube. Man, I'm so addicted to it now. Kind of sad. Does that make me a bad person, being on the internet laughing at hilarious smokin' hot guys during mass? If it does, oh well. Back to youtube.

Title Source: William Beckett; "TAI TV: Episode 12". Santi!

"I hate to call people that young sluts, so... I predict she will become a girl of questionable morals when she's older."
[dies laughing] "'Girl of questionable morals'!" [laughs harder] "We're talking about the same person, right?"
"Yes. Why?"
"'When she's older'?"

"So a friend of my friend had size F boobs, right? But she can't get them reduced because cartilege grew underneath them to hold them up. That's adaptation at workright there: her boobs were so huge that her body grew itself its own bra."
"...That'd be like nuzzling a shark."

"I bet you are 843278437times more amazing than you."

"You're calling me fat. Now I have to get all emorexic on your ass."

"Elle thinks tongue, Elle thinks Beckett."

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