02 June 2007

We're not old enough to buy beer, what are we supposed to teach the world?

Offer no explanations, don't take no shit. But I got a bunny!

Title Source: Diary by Chuck Palahniuk. New addiction anyone?

"You're really hungry today."
"Yeah, it's like I'm pregnant or something."

Mr. Evans: "Never listen to me. I'm also unoriginal."

"Mr. Evans, I thought you knew something."

"It's chauvinistic candy!"

"American cheese comes from inbred cows."

"When we can connect Ghost Busters in English class, it's a good day."

"If you wake up in a dumpster, naked, covered in ketchup... you had a good weekend."

"Doug, go live in a leper colony."
"Give the lepers Ebola!"
"Aww, that's just mean."

"You...just...related Swan Lake to Pirates of the Caribbean..."

"That's not masturbation!"

"I'm delicious after concerts."

"His happy trail is like a happy atomic explosion."

"Are you a cow or dead?"

"You don't know what bunnies do in boxes. They could make airplane noises."

"Can I get a what what!"
"No idea. I thought that's what some guys outside asked my mom, but apparently he was asking for directions."

"How in hell was I supposed to guess a crazy Greek like that?!"
"You weren't. I never told you to guess."
"Oh. Right."

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