22 September 2006

This I must remember when the sirens call to me.

Well that was the first time I was late for a post. Oh well. It's not like anyone cares. Okay, um... go SI football? Yeah. And yes, we are a Midwest high school, Jack. After the football game we all go down to the burger joint and sit in the back of our friend's truck, listening to tunes. Damn straight.

Title Source: "Calling" by Tiger Army. Surprisingly good band.

“What would be an appropriate age?”
“For groping manikins? With or without it being overtly hilarious?”

“You being twins with anyone?”
“Nope. I have enough alternative-reality me’s in my head.”
“Haha. You know I meant for the theme.”
“I know, but I was serious.”

“Man, I wish my personality were a word document uploadable into my identity. That way I could rewrite it.”
“And you could give yourself awesome powers.”

“No stabbing in restaurants!”

“New Jersey is lame.”
“I was born in New Jersey.”
“New Jersey is LAME.”

“Kyo’s cute in a ‘I wanna rub your tummy and play with you’ kind of way.”
“Well so’s Davey [Havoc].”

“What’s the difference between Sunday and Monday?”
“Twenty-four hours and three letters.”

“The separation of Ceri and Annie is needed for the growth of a secular society!”

“It’s days like today that make me want to take up kickboxing.”

"If we don't eat the irreversibly comatose, we shouldn't eat chickens."

“I look like a milkmaid.”
“Got cookies? I know you do…”

“And bandanas don’t have potassium.”

“Felattio [fel-at-tee-o] is a language. It’s a romance language.”

“Write that down!”
“What, that beanie babies don’t have souls?”

“You can smack me.”
“Andre, that’s a little creepy.”

“For sale: one wife. Slightly used.”

“I like my viruses like I like my women… with viruses!”

“They have something other than Mormons in Utah?”

“Keep your gentleman bits under wraps.”

“Tight pants + commando = NO.”

“Hey. Anything is a dance song is you dances.”

“You’re smarter than a zucchini.”

“Goodnight and farewell to shleepibyes.”

“Shame on you for not knowing what pudding is!”

“I like epic nothing.”

“Can I turn around now?”
“That’s what she said.”

“Yes, Holyfuck Green is now a colour.”

“…Were you just speaking Cantonese?”

“You know, if I didn’t hate people so much, I’d make a good secretary.”

"Our arguements are kind of like a heart right before someone dies in the hospital: the rate goes up and up and up until it just flatlines." [A good analogy, no?]


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