29 September 2006

When I woke my body was dyin all over the floor

Today was über fun, kids. Hanging out is always fun. But anyways, this week's been lame with a captial la, and next week isn't looking too good either, despite retreat on Mon/Tuesday and SIL on Friday. I order all you minions to go see it and laugh and be stupefied by how cool we all are. Oh yeah.

Title Source: "Quiet As A Mouse" by Margot & The Nuclear So and So's. Cool name, even cooler album. ^It's an interesting image, isn't it?

“Well, the only reason I’d get a girlfriend is so you can make fun of me.”

“So in summary: Ceri knows nothing and Sumner has no penis?”
“People think I know nothing, but I know stuff. And yes.”
“You are teh smart!”

“If I lose my mind and actually be in a band with Aly, and she makes me plays any Fall Out Boy at all, please hit me and help me kill her.”

“Why would someone be dumb enough to do a classical cover of Fall Out Boy?”
“What the Christ? That is like mental retardation.”

“Aww, how cute, a secret admirer.”
“Yeah, stalker-cute.”

“Don't make fun of my not being able to spell, Mister Miller. Otherwise I'll take back my promise and make fun of your future-having-a-girlfriend-ed-ness.”

“This insane librarian at the library today was telling some story in the kids section about how some guy accidentally gave the library back his porno DVD instead of the DVD it was supposed to be.”

“Man, I feel burdened as the couple of sexual jokes. Can’t someone start going out so you can make fun of them?”

“Your face. And you can’t dance for shit.”

“Drummers are sometimes really fucking ugly.”
“Well I'm not talking about your weird metal bands Ceri”
“Like that guy in yesterday's news”
“MY weird metal bands? And shut up, Scott.”

“I see white people.”
“No, you don’t. Ever.”

“Hey, that’s better than me tonight. So far I’ve been penis-less and ignored.”

“What are your views on cheap prostitution? I think it helps build a unified America.”

“Oh man. Just an ugly family. I wonder if they were ugly babies too.”

SIT= sluts in training

“Fucking libertarian crypto hacker.”

“Fine, you can be an honorary whore.”

“Oh eight is Ho eight!”

“Andy Ragni has a crush on Scott?”
“That’s pretty interesting seeing as they’ve never met.”

“Chris is dating a really hot guy. Apparently, face-meltingly so.”

“No couple-arguing in the chat.”

“Wow SI is gansta.”

“Hey, Davey Havoc did the emo hair before there was even emo.”

“God. He’s such a drag queen.”

“Vaginal intercourse. I win.”

“They can all have their own life. I’m not limiting them.”
“I am.”

“If a vampire is draining someone and they start laughing, will blood come out their nose? And if so, whose blood?”

“My mom heard an interview with Keith Richards and he said he’s giving up drugs!”
“Yeah, he’s a goner.”

“Another band I can’t tell if it’s good or terrible. Jamison Parker. Jamison Covington is hot though. And has a killer name.”

“He’s a little whiny.”
“Like the hair?”

“Oh? I await with peeled potatoes to hear your offensive chorus of stinging opinion.”
“Peeled potatoes, Kylie?”
“I'm hungry.”

“Death to the monkeys.”
“And absolutely.”

“Are you doing homework?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you do anything but homework.”
“Don’t make fun of me because I do my homework.”

“I see flying bananas.”
“I see flying bandanas. Zero potassium. High in cotton, though I’m not sure it’s nutritional value. Maybe it makes your insides all soft and cushiony.”


“Damn you evil scrunchie of doom!”

“Jesse Helms and Newt Gingrich were shaking hands congratulating themselves on the introduction of an antigay bill in Congress. If it passes, they won't be able to shake hands, because it will then be illegal for a prick to touch an asshole.”

“Emo kids are interesting people to watch.”
“I’ll bet. Like lava lamps.”

“You’re not doing anything… but you’re preoccupied… what, are you looking at porn?”

“Sphincters make everything better.”
“Correct. But what rhymes with sphincter? To the rhyming dictionary!”

“The truth is, it’s my sadistic side: I like to watch them squirm and squeal.”

“Well tell her she's full of potassium! Which does a body good.”

“Sorry. She thinks she's funny a lot. I mean not that she isn't. But sometimes it’s childish... I guess that’s the right word”
“Get your foot out of your mouth kid”
“You’ve never heard that phrase?”
“I have. Just never understood what it meant.”
“Yeah, it's basically what you just did.”

“Like fin, only more musical and less emo.”

“We're gonna make a cult that does interpretative dance to tribal music and take over the country.”
“I wanna help!”

“Silly Annie. Trix are for kids. Seriously I'm waiting for that rabbit to crack and then go on a killing rampage and be like, ‘Who's silly now, beeyatch!’ Like ‘You look awful silly with my foot in your face’ and then he round house kicks them.”

“Hopefully Panic! will have to cancel again and reschedule… They won’t.”
“Maybe they will. Get the chloroform.”
“If I get the chloroform, you’ll have to call the police. Because there’s a famous band tied up in my basement.”

“Let’s make a band called the Naked Animal Collective.”
“That would be the ultimate indie band.”

“Plastic is the national… anthem, what?”

“Sumner! No gymnastic abuse!”

“I don’t think our age are supposed to understand life. If they say they do, they’re either stupid and lying or fooling themselves.”

“You’re not appetizing covered in pesto.”
“To a cannibal I am.” [Coincidentally, Gabriel is a cannibal.]

“No. I don’t feed people who jingle.”

“Everyone’s an alcoholic. They just haven’t drunk enough yet.”

“If you plant an acorn, it has the potential to be an oak tree. If you plant a baby…” There is no end of that sentence.

“Stop staring at the hot guy.”
“Wow. I can’t even debate that.”

“Awesome for the music. Not so awesome for the college.”

1 comment:

Annie said...

"it's time for the hungry!"