28 June 2007

A sudden observation

I don't know if any of you (however few there are of you still reading this) listening to 30 Seconds to Mars, or at least know their latest album, but it came up on shuffle just now and since I haven't listened to it in a while, I decided, "Ah, what the hell."

Like I said, I don't know if any of you like the song "The Hunter," but Jesus Christ does Leto sound like a crazy-scary drunk. Screaming "I'M GOING HUNTING! I AM THE HUNTER!" at the top of his lungs... creepy music... I'm convinced they recorded this on a weekend at the cabin in the middle of the woods, and all of them got drunk and/or stoned.

I'd look down on them for it, except that a lot of good old music was made that way.

1 comment:

Doug said...

if by a lot you mean most to all then yes.