Hey, look! Lucky number 16! I went to a tea house today. The Scottish lady who owns the place was so nice, and the food was delicious, and the tea was heavenly. Then I was going to go shoot some photos, but then my mom called, so I didn't. Fascinating life I live, isn't it? Anyway, I look like a flippin' gunman, in my flatcap and shady expression. Alls I need is that pair of boots I've been eying and my brother's army jacket. Oh, and a sniper rifle. But that's another kettle of fish.
Oh, and here's something I found quite hilarious. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/n/a/2006/07/17/international/i083441D32.DTL
Title Source: "Ode To A Superhero" by Weird Al. A parody of "Piano Man." Personally, I like this version better.
“~Jimmy shucked corn, and I don’t care~!”
“Yeah, I had to go by Jimmy. Or Gumby.”
“I told you mutant hedgehogs just won’t cut it.”
“People just want senseless violence or nothing. I go to the movies not to think!”
“Getting confirmed is like getting a level in Paladin, right? Heal light wounds, smite evil. But you can only smite evil once a day.”
“ROFL my waffle!”
“Is that like leggo’ my eggo?”
“How was life without me? Unbearable?”
“Indeed. Emo kids cried. But that’s because I kicked them.”
“They deserved it.”
“I met a guy from Wisconsin the other day.”
“Does he have an accent and smell like cheese?”
“A fucking daisy chain? How old are you, three?”
“I’m a hippie, fuck you.”
“Beverly agrees that Quinn is delish.”
“Duh. She has ovaries. Quinn makes ovaries quiver.”
“I want a jacket that says ‘Your pretty face is going to hell.’”
“I think if I had a shirt that said ‘I can lick things’ I might get the wrong kind of attention.”
“Miss Piggy needs to ease up on the perms.”
“When you can’t have good production value, make up for it by being artsy.”
“Just because I want to beat the living fuck out of someone doesn’t mean I hate them. God, I’m such a guy.”
“I eats her.”
[Aims at lamp]
“Are you a lamp?”
“Life is… interesting.”
“Hence the pistol.”
“So I take it she is being unofficially voted off the island.”
“If by ‘voted off the island’ you mean shot in the foot and getting her face beaten in… then yes.”
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
“It is pretty. In the flaming hardcore way.”
“The best way.”
“Don’t make fun of the blind, dyslexic kid!”
“Yes. You sing like a bird.”
“A drunk bird. On anti-helium.”
“Bolt Vanderhuge!”
“That’s a good porn name.”
“Morons! This country is full of morons! And Stan Lee is one of them!”
“You know what the worst part is? He stole that idea from one of the background Frontline issues. There’s a reality show called ‘America’s Next Top Super Hero’ and it has people with actual superpowers.”
"And they kept saying 'flippin' ay' all the time. It really got on my nerves."
"Alright, if you're going to say that, at least say it right. It's fuckin' eh, and the only circumstances under which you should use it are if someone wakes you up by pouring a bucket of water on you or something along those lines."
"How many muppets had to die for you to wear that scarf?!"
21 July 2006
I'm not like them, but I can pretend.
Evening, ladies and gents. There are quiet a lot this week; a whole four pages worth. Imagine that. I don't really have much to say, really, except that there is a party at my house tomorrow and I have no idea why. Oh well. Enjoy.
Title Source: "Dumb" by Nirvana. ~I think I'm dumb, or maybe just happy~
“Oh, you are me.”
“Really? Which one of us is on acid?”
“Both. Duh.”
“Bubbles can be my new nickname!”
“No, it makes you sound like a stripper.”
“Dammit man, kick the habit. Your mind is whack!”
“A section of my mind is a constant acid trip.”
“’Sokay. People either don’t listen or don’t understand the words that come out of my mouth. Or in this case fingers.”
“We’re online, Annie!”
“As my brother and I were walking home, this red sports car comes up next to us and slows down. {Cue to Jack and Annie freaking out}… {Inside anyways} {Car revs super loud and drives away.} Oh, and the car was full of teenage boys. So? But yes. And then I was like. ‘Oh yeah, Jack, they think I was hot’ and he says ‘Yeah, and then they say “Hey baby” and you say “Hi” and they say “We weren’t talking to you.” {winks at Jack}.’ … And then I found twenty bucks.”
“Him and this crazy slutorgies. I mean parties.”
“Yes you are, you lying candywhore!”
“I’m not lying or a candywhore!”
“Both! Lies! See!”
“Dammit, Banana, now I want candy!”
“1.Revoltingly? No. 2.Squishy? No. 3.Hi Brother! 4. Which brother?”
“…You’re mean. Placating me ego and all that.”
“You’re not a dude, you’re just a… Ceri.”
“Flossing is weird. My teeth don’t feel any cleaner. Dentists everywhere are just wasting people’s time.”
“Speaking of what… which. who. how. when.”
“I still want candy.”
“So, basically you want it to look like Raphael and Picasso had mad crazy sex and orgasmed art all over your room?”
“Who invented flossing?”
“Some sadistic fuckdentist.”
“From those random moments, you’d think everyone in the ’70s had ADD.”
“Shut up, I’m clever.”
“A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine kickass the medicine kick ass medicine kick asss....a spoon fulla sugar makes the medicine kick ass...in the most PUNKROXORZ WAY!”
“Oh god! White pants!”
“He’s really skinny. Did he do heroin?”
“Probably… Didn’t everyone?”
“No eat puppy!”
“I’m thinking Davy Jones was in love with an octopus.”
“And she got caught and ended up on the seafood special.”
Little Girl [In theatre, watching “Dead Man’s Chest” when the heart is seen]: “KILL IT!”
“I did this to Ali once. I told her I had Peter Wentz in my swimming pool. She about died.”
“Awesome sauce.”
“With crushed almond joys on top.”
“That should be quoted somewhere in the yearbook. Three steps to surviving Mr. Quattrin’s class: 1. Don’t poke the bear. 2. Do your homework. 3. Don’t be a knucklehead.”
“I might actually miss the stupidity of the Cornelius family… despite their constant whining.”
“Stuck in a ditch… for ten chapters.”
“For three flipping months!”
“That must have been one huge fucking ditch. They shouldn’t have said ditch. Maybe crater.”
“You know what I want? Techno and strobes for my funeral. It’s a party!”
“Do you know what I want to do in college?”
“What? Have sex?”
“Well, yes, but as a career.”
“Huh. I smell good.”
“Yay! May I sniff you when I see you next?”
“Um. Make sure your boyfriend isn’t there. He might get jealous.”
“She… makes me vomit… goldfish and sunshine doodles.”
“Eeeeewww, who would want Beyonce to play the bass? She would look so weird.”
“So, did you have news, or was that just a clever ploy to make me say something random?”
“I should become a mime. Then, people might listen to me.”
“English is a language that lurks in the darkest alleys, beats up other languages, and rifes through their pockets for spare vocabulary.”
“You’re such a girl.”
“He’s pretty like a girl.”
“You’re pretty like a girl.”
“Thank you!”
“You’re welcome!”
“Penguins have taken over Central Park and demand that I fly to New York with you to become queen with you as my trusted advisor of evil. Right?”
“Sweet! Off to the Big Apple we go!”
“Okay, new theory: I’m attractive to girls and hoods. Whoopee.”
“Can I buy a gender?”
“Holy Robert Louis Stevenson, Batman!”
“Are you sure you’re not dating yourself?”
“It’s a Cyclops. They’re not lopsided.”
“Yesh they is.”
“No, they’re perfectly symmetrical.”
“Yeah, they’re not. They’re all lumpy and stuff.”
“Buh buh buh buh.”
“Na na na na naaa.”
“One, two, three, DAAAAAAA!”
“What are we doing?”
“I’m a barbershop quartet. Your mom.”
Title Source: "Dumb" by Nirvana. ~I think I'm dumb, or maybe just happy~
“Oh, you are me.”
“Really? Which one of us is on acid?”
“Both. Duh.”
“Bubbles can be my new nickname!”
“No, it makes you sound like a stripper.”
“Dammit man, kick the habit. Your mind is whack!”
“A section of my mind is a constant acid trip.”
“’Sokay. People either don’t listen or don’t understand the words that come out of my mouth. Or in this case fingers.”
“We’re online, Annie!”
“As my brother and I were walking home, this red sports car comes up next to us and slows down. {Cue to Jack and Annie freaking out}… {Inside anyways} {Car revs super loud and drives away.} Oh, and the car was full of teenage boys. So? But yes. And then I was like. ‘Oh yeah, Jack, they think I was hot’ and he says ‘Yeah, and then they say “Hey baby” and you say “Hi” and they say “We weren’t talking to you.” {winks at Jack}.’ … And then I found twenty bucks.”
“Him and this crazy slutorgies. I mean parties.”
“Yes you are, you lying candywhore!”
“I’m not lying or a candywhore!”
“Both! Lies! See!”
“Dammit, Banana, now I want candy!”
“1.Revoltingly? No. 2.Squishy? No. 3.Hi Brother! 4. Which brother?”
“…You’re mean. Placating me ego and all that.”
“You’re not a dude, you’re just a… Ceri.”
“Flossing is weird. My teeth don’t feel any cleaner. Dentists everywhere are just wasting people’s time.”
“Speaking of what… which. who. how. when.”
“I still want candy.”
“So, basically you want it to look like Raphael and Picasso had mad crazy sex and orgasmed art all over your room?”
“Who invented flossing?”
“Some sadistic fuckdentist.”
“From those random moments, you’d think everyone in the ’70s had ADD.”
“Shut up, I’m clever.”
“A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine kickass the medicine kick ass medicine kick asss....a spoon fulla sugar makes the medicine kick ass...in the most PUNKROXORZ WAY!”
“Oh god! White pants!”
“He’s really skinny. Did he do heroin?”
“Probably… Didn’t everyone?”
“No eat puppy!”
“I’m thinking Davy Jones was in love with an octopus.”
“And she got caught and ended up on the seafood special.”
Little Girl [In theatre, watching “Dead Man’s Chest” when the heart is seen]: “KILL IT!”
“I did this to Ali once. I told her I had Peter Wentz in my swimming pool. She about died.”
“Awesome sauce.”
“With crushed almond joys on top.”
“That should be quoted somewhere in the yearbook. Three steps to surviving Mr. Quattrin’s class: 1. Don’t poke the bear. 2. Do your homework. 3. Don’t be a knucklehead.”
“I might actually miss the stupidity of the Cornelius family… despite their constant whining.”
“Stuck in a ditch… for ten chapters.”
“For three flipping months!”
“That must have been one huge fucking ditch. They shouldn’t have said ditch. Maybe crater.”
“You know what I want? Techno and strobes for my funeral. It’s a party!”
“Do you know what I want to do in college?”
“What? Have sex?”
“Well, yes, but as a career.”
“Huh. I smell good.”
“Yay! May I sniff you when I see you next?”
“Um. Make sure your boyfriend isn’t there. He might get jealous.”
“She… makes me vomit… goldfish and sunshine doodles.”
“Eeeeewww, who would want Beyonce to play the bass? She would look so weird.”
“So, did you have news, or was that just a clever ploy to make me say something random?”
“I should become a mime. Then, people might listen to me.”
“English is a language that lurks in the darkest alleys, beats up other languages, and rifes through their pockets for spare vocabulary.”
“You’re such a girl.”
“He’s pretty like a girl.”
“You’re pretty like a girl.”
“Thank you!”
“You’re welcome!”
“Penguins have taken over Central Park and demand that I fly to New York with you to become queen with you as my trusted advisor of evil. Right?”
“Sweet! Off to the Big Apple we go!”
“Okay, new theory: I’m attractive to girls and hoods. Whoopee.”
“Can I buy a gender?”
“Holy Robert Louis Stevenson, Batman!”
“Are you sure you’re not dating yourself?”
“It’s a Cyclops. They’re not lopsided.”
“Yesh they is.”
“No, they’re perfectly symmetrical.”
“Yeah, they’re not. They’re all lumpy and stuff.”
“Buh buh buh buh.”
“Na na na na naaa.”
“One, two, three, DAAAAAAA!”
“What are we doing?”
“I’m a barbershop quartet. Your mom.”
14 July 2006
I gotta roll, can't stand still/ Got a flamin' heart, can't get my fill
Stupid technology. The desktop at my dad's house is broked, so I am missing a few quotes. Harvest Moon on my super nintendo—yeah, it works, biznitches— has ADD and erased the files on it. Gah! I was in fall too! I finished my summer reading: go me! Well, that's not necessary. I finished all the summer reading that is worth doing. Don't read The Jungle. It's slow and boring as hell, and quite frankly, watching paint dry is more entertaining. Speaking of which, I wonder how the paintjob on my new castle stronghold is coming. You can't just those lowerminions to pick out the right shade of grey, you know.
Title Source: "Black Dog" - Led Zeppelin. Go Zeppelin!
“What do you think the chances of me dancing on tables when I’m drunk are?”
“Very good, I’d guess.”
“Is it bad to belch in front of little children?”
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
“And will I go to hell for giving a kid the finger? He didn’t see it.”
“If he didn’t see it, then no.”
Ing= incredibly nasty goblin
“I’m probably going to call that kid Damien one of these days, I swear.”
[laughs] “And no one will get it.”
“Probably later when he’s a grown up shit, he’ll stop and think… HEY!”
“It’s like, [dude], you are not getting any bitches or hos, you are not a pimp, and you couldn’t rap a Christmas present. So please stop.”
“maybe you can contribute to the save a Bovo project. For only 60 cents a day you can make poor misguided teens like Rocco” *Rocco flashes gang signs* “into...well...not what he is now, maybe a lawyer, corporate executive...a guy who aspires to work at burger king. A guy with a chance to not be shot in a drive by shooting by real thugs.”
“I would quote this, but we might get our asses shot.”
“Well then, how about 1800 STOP NOW.”
“Yeah, that scene in The Jungle was really graphic. I was glad I had fish for dinner that night.”
“It’s like, ‘Ceri, we have pork!’”
“I probably would have stared at it. ‘Ceri, why aren’t you eating?’ ‘Do you have ANY idea how this shit is made?!’”
“’The screaming of pigs’? I mean, how would you like it if you were strung up by your leg, had your throat slit, and were slowly disemboweled? Like what they did in Braveheart. FREEDOM!”
[About the “Music is my boyfriend” icon] “So when can I meet music? Is he hot?”
[laughs] “You know it. Music is god.”
“The sex must be good.”
“You have NO idea.”
“Or they eat it off you.” [shrug] “Whatever floats your boat.”
“Then I think he needs to meet my friend.”
“They’d get along?”
“Maybe. My friend The Staff of Whacking.”
“I see. He seems friendly.”
“Oh yes, very personable.”
“Related to the polenta stick?”
“Great-grandson thereof. And his cousin the Ninja Board. He lives down in the Scene Shop.”
“So, I have brain-dead moments and that was… um… huh… who are you?”
“The love of your life.”
“Oh right, you.”
“The chances of us meeting are about as slim as Conor is tall…. Actually, they’re about as slim as Conor as well.”
“I’d rather watch paint dry. At least that way, my mind can wander in peace.”
“It is nice. Touching… nonsensical, but nice.”
“Genuinely touching or am I going to want to throw up all over the book?”
“If I had a pet owl, I would name it Yoyo.”
“I have a vagina, so I get priority, you bastard.”
“That comment makes her sound like an angry pregnant woman.”
“Cadet? Who are you calling cadet? Psh. I direct thousands of hoards of evil minions.”
“I’m sorry, oh great one.”
“Alright, fine. You are an angry, pregnant, garble-mouthed lady.”
“That one too.”
“I wanted to feel included.”
“I forgot that one.”
“But you have one.”
“I do. Thank you for telling me.”
“That would be fun.”
“Beating up middle ages white women in the Y? Yeah it would.”
“in the meanwhile...: step lightly, smile confidently, tread warily, move gracefully, bend softly, lift reverently, observe carefully, follow knowingly, dip thoughtfully, fall gently, hold regularly, merge willingly, swap occasionally, shift rhythmically, twist brilliantly, sway intuitively, hesitate rarely, connect beautifully, release frequently, and understand perfectly.”
“Fight for your right to cuss the shit out’a people.”
“Do the hustle… bitch!”
“Fare the well.”
“That reminds me, I need headphones. Big ones. Deaf to the world ones.”
"Shattered dreams of rock and roll stardom, pulled together and thrown into the ocean by THE Jimi Hendrix."
"Why isn't Jay dealing drugs? Why isn't he the whacked out crazy cool druggie we've come to know and love?! Why is he...!? GAH I can't even say it!’
Title Source: "Black Dog" - Led Zeppelin. Go Zeppelin!
“What do you think the chances of me dancing on tables when I’m drunk are?”
“Very good, I’d guess.”
“Is it bad to belch in front of little children?”
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
“And will I go to hell for giving a kid the finger? He didn’t see it.”
“If he didn’t see it, then no.”
Ing= incredibly nasty goblin
“I’m probably going to call that kid Damien one of these days, I swear.”
[laughs] “And no one will get it.”
“Probably later when he’s a grown up shit, he’ll stop and think… HEY!”
“It’s like, [dude], you are not getting any bitches or hos, you are not a pimp, and you couldn’t rap a Christmas present. So please stop.”
“maybe you can contribute to the save a Bovo project. For only 60 cents a day you can make poor misguided teens like Rocco” *Rocco flashes gang signs* “into...well...not what he is now, maybe a lawyer, corporate executive...a guy who aspires to work at burger king. A guy with a chance to not be shot in a drive by shooting by real thugs.”
“I would quote this, but we might get our asses shot.”
“Well then, how about 1800 STOP NOW.”
“Yeah, that scene in The Jungle was really graphic. I was glad I had fish for dinner that night.”
“It’s like, ‘Ceri, we have pork!’”
“I probably would have stared at it. ‘Ceri, why aren’t you eating?’ ‘Do you have ANY idea how this shit is made?!’”
“’The screaming of pigs’? I mean, how would you like it if you were strung up by your leg, had your throat slit, and were slowly disemboweled? Like what they did in Braveheart. FREEDOM!”
[About the “Music is my boyfriend” icon] “So when can I meet music? Is he hot?”
[laughs] “You know it. Music is god.”
“The sex must be good.”
“You have NO idea.”
“Or they eat it off you.” [shrug] “Whatever floats your boat.”
“Then I think he needs to meet my friend.”
“They’d get along?”
“Maybe. My friend The Staff of Whacking.”
“I see. He seems friendly.”
“Oh yes, very personable.”
“Related to the polenta stick?”
“Great-grandson thereof. And his cousin the Ninja Board. He lives down in the Scene Shop.”
“So, I have brain-dead moments and that was… um… huh… who are you?”
“The love of your life.”
“Oh right, you.”
“The chances of us meeting are about as slim as Conor is tall…. Actually, they’re about as slim as Conor as well.”
“I’d rather watch paint dry. At least that way, my mind can wander in peace.”
“It is nice. Touching… nonsensical, but nice.”
“Genuinely touching or am I going to want to throw up all over the book?”
“If I had a pet owl, I would name it Yoyo.”
“I have a vagina, so I get priority, you bastard.”
“That comment makes her sound like an angry pregnant woman.”
“Cadet? Who are you calling cadet? Psh. I direct thousands of hoards of evil minions.”
“I’m sorry, oh great one.”
“Alright, fine. You are an angry, pregnant, garble-mouthed lady.”
“That one too.”
“I wanted to feel included.”
“I forgot that one.”
“But you have one.”
“I do. Thank you for telling me.”
“That would be fun.”
“Beating up middle ages white women in the Y? Yeah it would.”
“in the meanwhile...: step lightly, smile confidently, tread warily, move gracefully, bend softly, lift reverently, observe carefully, follow knowingly, dip thoughtfully, fall gently, hold regularly, merge willingly, swap occasionally, shift rhythmically, twist brilliantly, sway intuitively, hesitate rarely, connect beautifully, release frequently, and understand perfectly.”
“Fight for your right to cuss the shit out’a people.”
“Do the hustle… bitch!”
“Fare the well.”
“That reminds me, I need headphones. Big ones. Deaf to the world ones.”
"Shattered dreams of rock and roll stardom, pulled together and thrown into the ocean by THE Jimi Hendrix."
"Why isn't Jay dealing drugs? Why isn't he the whacked out crazy cool druggie we've come to know and love?! Why is he...!? GAH I can't even say it!’
10 July 2006
This party's dying so guitar-me! Raise a glass to the Guitarmy!
Well, it appears I am updating four days early. You can thank the Lovely Miss Annie and boredom. There are no quotes, unfortunately, because it is an interpost, but a quaint little diddy I did some months ago updated to match. Note: this list is subject to change, and probably will.
Opening Credits: “May 16” by Lagwagon
Waking Up Scene: “Hey Kid” by the Ataris
Average Day: “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” by My Chemical Romance
Stroll Through Town: “My Own Worst Enemy” by Lit
Date: “Twilight” by Elliott Smith
Falling In Love: “Teo Torriatte,” by Queen
Being In Love: “Dance Inside,” by The All-American Rejects
Love Scene: “Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart” by HIM
Sex Scene: “Pieces Mended” by the Used
Heartbreak Scene: “Demolition Lovers” by My Chemical Romance
Break-up Scene: “Brave New World” by Iron Maiden
Rebound Scene: “Dreamer’s Ball” by Queen; “Walk Away” by Franz Ferdinand
Learning Lesson: “The Business of Getting Down” by Ozma
Life’s Okay: “Lithium” by Nirvana
Fast/Crazy Car Driving Scene: “Take It Away” by The Used
High School Flashback Scene: “The Freshmen” by The Verve Pipe
Nostalgic Scene: “Poison Oak” by Bright Eyes
Party Scene: “Been Swank” by the Von Bondies
Chill Scene: “You Know So Well” by Sondre Lerche
Drug Scene: “Give Me Novacaine” by Green Day
Nightclub/Bar Scene: “I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor” by The Arctic Monkeys
Bitter, Angry Scene: “Molotov” by Dead Poetic
Regret Scene: “Macy’s Day Parade” by Green Day
Revenge Scene: “There’s A Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey…” by Panic! At The Disco
Dreaming Scene: “Endless Rain” by X Japan
Slow Dance: “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls
Happy Dance: “Start The Commotion” by The Wiseguys
Long Night Alone: “Losing All Control” by Rooney
Contemplation Scene: “Thoughts of a Dying Atheist” by Muse
Sad, Breakdown Scene: “Smile, You Won” by Lydia
Goodbye: “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd
Death Scene: “Dimmer Light” by Dead Poetic
Funeral Scene: “Easy/Lucky/Free” by Bright Eyes
Closing Song: “Doolin’ Dalton” by The Eagles
The title is from a Blood Brother's song; probably the best thirty-nine second song I've ever heard.
Opening Credits: “May 16” by Lagwagon
Waking Up Scene: “Hey Kid” by the Ataris
Average Day: “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” by My Chemical Romance
Stroll Through Town: “My Own Worst Enemy” by Lit
Date: “Twilight” by Elliott Smith
Falling In Love: “Teo Torriatte,” by Queen
Being In Love: “Dance Inside,” by The All-American Rejects
Love Scene: “Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart” by HIM
Sex Scene: “Pieces Mended” by the Used
Heartbreak Scene: “Demolition Lovers” by My Chemical Romance
Break-up Scene: “Brave New World” by Iron Maiden
Rebound Scene: “Dreamer’s Ball” by Queen; “Walk Away” by Franz Ferdinand
Learning Lesson: “The Business of Getting Down” by Ozma
Life’s Okay: “Lithium” by Nirvana
Fast/Crazy Car Driving Scene: “Take It Away” by The Used
High School Flashback Scene: “The Freshmen” by The Verve Pipe
Nostalgic Scene: “Poison Oak” by Bright Eyes
Party Scene: “Been Swank” by the Von Bondies
Chill Scene: “You Know So Well” by Sondre Lerche
Drug Scene: “Give Me Novacaine” by Green Day
Nightclub/Bar Scene: “I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor” by The Arctic Monkeys
Bitter, Angry Scene: “Molotov” by Dead Poetic
Regret Scene: “Macy’s Day Parade” by Green Day
Revenge Scene: “There’s A Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey…” by Panic! At The Disco
Dreaming Scene: “Endless Rain” by X Japan
Slow Dance: “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls
Happy Dance: “Start The Commotion” by The Wiseguys
Long Night Alone: “Losing All Control” by Rooney
Contemplation Scene: “Thoughts of a Dying Atheist” by Muse
Sad, Breakdown Scene: “Smile, You Won” by Lydia
Goodbye: “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd
Death Scene: “Dimmer Light” by Dead Poetic
Funeral Scene: “Easy/Lucky/Free” by Bright Eyes
Closing Song: “Doolin’ Dalton” by The Eagles
The title is from a Blood Brother's song; probably the best thirty-nine second song I've ever heard.
07 July 2006
Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome.
You lot are very lucky. I was considering not posting this evening because I left everything on the desktop at my father's house. However, because I love you more than, well, say, Dead Poetic (my latest new band love) I rang dad up and got him to send me the quotes. You lucky bastards you. Anyway, I apologise if there are fewer than the last couple posts; I need to bring pens around with me, you see. But I swear to you on my honour as a pirate that I will try harder to amuse you. And no, this oath is NOT because I saw the new Pirates movie today. I have been a pirate since I was small. Ask my mum; she'll tell you. Anywho, I'm ramble, so on with it already.
"Potatoes don't explode. That's eggs."
"Yes they— wait. Eggs explode in the microwave?"
"I liked the Jamaican voodoo witch. She sounded like Miss Cleo.'Call me now for ya' free reedin!'"
“How would you know?”
“Because I had sex with your mother.”
“…Well then!”
“I want something yumful.”
“Like pie?”
“Like pie. Or not-tasting-like-eggs cake.”
“I’m Asian, what can I do?”
“Don’t blame your nationality.”
“Dude, like, every single person taking this class is Asian. So yes I do blame my nationality. Apparently our parents want to conquer this nation too.”
“Hey Bev.”
“Brendon Urie covered in maple syrup”
“Must resist temptation to molest”
[pushes closer]
“Animalistic urges...too strong! Curses!”
[pours syrup on his lips] “You know you wanna”
“Ugh!” *attacks brendon urie*
[laughs evilly as i shut the door] “Have fun kids”
“Curse you Ceri and your devilish ways”
[smirk] “You know you love it.”
“I’m already singing Panic! continuously. And HIM. Fake roses and eyeliner pencils are flying everywhere.”
“HIM would totally win. Finnish sex gods versus Vegas teens. Reeeeeeeeeally tough battle.”
“What can I say?”
“And so I speak little.”
“Just the way it should be. Thoughtful, wise, and mute.”
“Nope, I hear nothing.”
“Are you fucking me?”
“God, I hope not.”
“It’s not my fault my subconscious keeps a box of pure sex.”
“No, really, I’m not kidding. Everybody loves Ceri.”
“Like Everybody Loves Raymond, only way better.”
“Emo!” [pulls out stake] “Must slay emos!”
“Fact: I stand out a full half-mile away. Literally.”
“Hey, are you dead? I really hope so.”
“Hey, I’m holding up a finger. Guess which one.”
“It’s like waking up with a dead tomato in your bed. It’s a bad sign.”
“Eew! I have Iangross all over me!”
“You sure you want the burst of testosterone?”
“I do. I can’t stand all chicks all the time.”
“The estrogen is suffocating?”
“You are a dude.”
“Psh, yeah I am. Explains why I’m single.”
“Then you are a gay dude, because you want to bang Brendon Urie… and Ryan Ross.”
“Hell yes I do.”
[whacks you over the head with a penguin] “Better?”
“Thanks, I needed that.”
“Any time.”
“So, does insomnia work like narcolepsy? You just kind of conk out randomly?”
“But potatoes are what we eat!”
“I meant a potato rabbit!”
“If you feed a cow only cherries its whole life, it’s not going to taste like slurpee.”
“Hmm. This apple pie tastes like mesquite.”
“Me likes big bowls.”
“He’s a couch linguini!”
~And really bad eggs... drink up me hearties yo ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A pirate's life for me!~
Ahem. Sorry. Jack Sparrow's a flipping saav, and that is all I have to say about that.
"Potatoes don't explode. That's eggs."
"Yes they— wait. Eggs explode in the microwave?"
"I liked the Jamaican voodoo witch. She sounded like Miss Cleo.'Call me now for ya' free reedin!'"
“How would you know?”
“Because I had sex with your mother.”
“…Well then!”
“I want something yumful.”
“Like pie?”
“Like pie. Or not-tasting-like-eggs cake.”
“I’m Asian, what can I do?”
“Don’t blame your nationality.”
“Dude, like, every single person taking this class is Asian. So yes I do blame my nationality. Apparently our parents want to conquer this nation too.”
“Hey Bev.”
“Brendon Urie covered in maple syrup”
“Must resist temptation to molest”
[pushes closer]
“Animalistic urges...too strong! Curses!”
[pours syrup on his lips] “You know you wanna”
“Ugh!” *attacks brendon urie*
[laughs evilly as i shut the door] “Have fun kids”
“Curse you Ceri and your devilish ways”
[smirk] “You know you love it.”
“I’m already singing Panic! continuously. And HIM. Fake roses and eyeliner pencils are flying everywhere.”
“HIM would totally win. Finnish sex gods versus Vegas teens. Reeeeeeeeeally tough battle.”
“What can I say?”
“And so I speak little.”
“Just the way it should be. Thoughtful, wise, and mute.”
“Nope, I hear nothing.”
“Are you fucking me?”
“God, I hope not.”
“It’s not my fault my subconscious keeps a box of pure sex.”
“No, really, I’m not kidding. Everybody loves Ceri.”
“Like Everybody Loves Raymond, only way better.”
“Emo!” [pulls out stake] “Must slay emos!”
“Fact: I stand out a full half-mile away. Literally.”
“Hey, are you dead? I really hope so.”
“Hey, I’m holding up a finger. Guess which one.”
“It’s like waking up with a dead tomato in your bed. It’s a bad sign.”
“Eew! I have Iangross all over me!”
“You sure you want the burst of testosterone?”
“I do. I can’t stand all chicks all the time.”
“The estrogen is suffocating?”
“You are a dude.”
“Psh, yeah I am. Explains why I’m single.”
“Then you are a gay dude, because you want to bang Brendon Urie… and Ryan Ross.”
“Hell yes I do.”
[whacks you over the head with a penguin] “Better?”
“Thanks, I needed that.”
“Any time.”
“So, does insomnia work like narcolepsy? You just kind of conk out randomly?”
“But potatoes are what we eat!”
“I meant a potato rabbit!”
“If you feed a cow only cherries its whole life, it’s not going to taste like slurpee.”
“Hmm. This apple pie tastes like mesquite.”
“Me likes big bowls.”
“He’s a couch linguini!”
~And really bad eggs... drink up me hearties yo ho! Yo Ho! Yo Ho! A pirate's life for me!~
Ahem. Sorry. Jack Sparrow's a flipping saav, and that is all I have to say about that.
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