[That is a greeting in twelve different languages, thank you.]
The point of this blog is, as one may have inferred, to put out into circulation quotes that have been said by yours truly or someone I know. It is purely for amusement, so if you find yourself offended by something—hopefully unlikely— repeat to yourself, Life is too short to be taken seriously. All speakers shall remain anonymous for their own well being and reputation (although I say forget the whole thing and do what thou wilt).
And so, without further ado, I present to you, my beloved reader, life at its essence.
"Be yourself, don't take anyone else's shit, and never let them take you alive."
"And virtual pies just won't do."
"Heh, you know, maybe we should just sublimate our own wills into the collective."
"Bite your tongue, child!"
"Do the Jesus!"
"Yeah, dead sexy like a corpse."
"You're anorexic? Psh, keep going."
"We should buy a lot of land and graze emos. You know, like an emo kid hunting ground!"
"I'd rather have an alphabet than an empire."
"And that's why sluts aren't allowing in nudist colonies."
"I don't think people should try to be emo. If they do, there's something seriously wrong with them."
"[bares claws] RRRAAAARRR! I'M A GRAPE!"
"The thought of college makes my vision all wonky."
"Just because we're in honours Geometry doesn't mean we can count."
"When people die, they go to France."
"Who doesn't like sex drums?"
"I'm not wearing any pants right now!"
"Increase the touch!"
"We're not allowed to have opinions in that class. Or ideas!"
"Is your english teacher a communist?"
"I like my women with curves ) ( not angles < >."
"You're so pretty. I just want to shoot you in the face."
"I think that's the room where the dead people are."
"That's so wrong!"
"But it's so... sexy!"
"You're not invited to the revolution, and we're gonna have cake, so it sucks for you!"
"In a related study, Jews cause cancer."
"But only if you smoke them."
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