16 December 2007

Kids Say the Most Bizarre Shit

"What? Water-snake? Overpowered."

"Turtles incest does not results in two-headed turtles."

"You know that saying 'Man cannot live on bread alone'? Well, if that bread is pizza crust, he sure as hell can!"

"Iz in ur riverz, eatin' ur fish!"

"The king penguins are on the beach fishing, but they're walking right into an ambush."
"Oh noz!"

"What the fuck? Is that penguin fighting a seal? What, is it gonna win?"
"They do have razor sharp fins, apparently."
Voice-over: "Safe."
"What? Safe? What the hell?"

"No! I'm hungry! Tell them, "Bitches, I'm hungry!" and sign off!"

"I'm bleeding with excitement. My blood turns into liquid excitement."
"From your heart? Your eyes? Either way it's kind of emo."
"From my wrists."
"Even worse. Now I'll have to assassinate you."
"I welcome that day with open, bleeding arms."
"...Man, now I really have to kill you."