19 January 2007

There is a house in New Orleans they call the Rising Sun. It's been the ruin of many a poor boy

Yay for Friday. Whoever says the junior writing exam was hard lies so hard their conscience should explode. This week has been the outer circle of long for far too long. But Happy 23rd Birthday to my brother.

Title Source: "House of the Rising Sun" by the Animals. U2 and Green Day completely ripped off this song to make a half-assed statement/ ploy for popularity. The song's about a damn brothel.

“Who puts carrots in stuffing?”
“It’s boring.”
“...it’s stuffing!”
“I want excitement! No, actually I don’t. Food should not be exciting.”

“Is it weird that I have conceived a way to swing dance to a song by Incubus?”

“Because the ability to take a song in its entirety and set a visual score, if you will, to it is pretty impressive. It requires the ability to coordinate between two extremely disparate stimuli, as well as being extremely talented in both.”
“Wow. And I thought I just that too much time.”

“Learn this now: Jesuits control everything.”
“Including Wikipedia.”

“Justin, you make her lick things. That’s a very good skill to have.”

“I’m a nunwhore, she’s a potato, and you’re a freshman. There are no freshmen in the Sound of Music.”

“Your cancer has skirt."

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