14 April 2009

Day #6908

Today I have been alive for 6908 days, and it is the first day, I believe, that I have been officially alone. My parents and half-sister, along with her grandmother, have gone off to the Grand Canyon until Friday. I was left fifty dollars to buy food and told "Try not to spend it all." For the record, we have no bread, no milk, no cheese, no tortillas, no vegetables, no meat, nothing I would want to put in my mouth in the freezer...

Yeah, I'm going to be dead in two days.

Speaking of which! I also have to take care of my stepmother's cats, which admittedly isn't too bad-- just set out food for the vagabonds, make sure there's water-- but I have the sinking feeling that the old one is going to die before people get back. I mean, she's nearly 18 years old. That is a plenty long life for a cat. Problem is, if she does kick, I'm going to be blamed for it. Not to mention that I have no idea what to do with a dead cat. All terrible jokes aside.

So... we'll see what happens. I'm not having a great string of... weeks anyway. This might be the cherry that drives me into the loonybin.

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