30 March 2007

A True Friend Stabs You In The Front

Today would have been alright if I didn't get a piece of wood in my eye and have no less than three sets hit me. I knew I shouldn't have shown up at all; it was 3:35 for God's sake. And for some reason, the new Arcade Fire album is not downloading on my computer. QUITE annoying.

And no one else ever updates their blogs anymore except for me.

Title Source: Oscar Wilde, quoted by Pency Prep in "Attention Reader"

“But I do want to go see more local shows.”
“Okay, I also need to stop chewing on electrical wire.”
“Yes. Yes you do.”

“I sandwich them together with chocolate in the middle when they’re warm to make it yummy, or I can put some syrup on.”
“Sounds like diabetes.”
“But it’s Valentine’s day, so diabetes is okay.”

“No, they never came home.”
“No, I was talking about the Oreos.”
“Oh. Well, they never came home either.”

“Why do you have Jesus between your boobs?”

Mister O’Keefe: “If you don’t know the mass, potential energy don’t mean sh– nothing.”

“Okay, genocide. All in favour?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw, Mr. O'Keefe! that was quite funny